Footwear and leather goods industry

Footwear and leather goods industry

Garbling, printing, screen printing and thermo-perforating presses

Rfs co.Mec provides customers with products for the industry such as hydraulic garment presses, printing presses and many other machines that are custom-designed and tailor-made for the shoe and leather goods industry.

Specifically, the company manufactures

  • presses for moulding soles insoles
  • presses for printing soles and insoles
  • presses for screen printing soles and insoles
  • presses for printing leather and synthetic materials
  • presses for thermoforming eva and microporous soles and insoles

More informations

If you would like to know more about our products, please contact us by calling 0381 347954 or fill in the form on the contact page.

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